For the Lovers

So much rage and hate everywhere around here.
Online, people hiding behind fake personas eagerly cut strangers they don’t like.
Many hunt for vulnerable targets to con and use up, and yes, eventually throw away.
We are not real to them, after all. We are very forgettable.
Others will spit right in your face and taunt you,
Or they avert their sheltered gaze and scurry on by to imagined safety.
You are someone else’s problem, for sure; or invisible if they can avoid the cracks.
Magnificent beings replaced with grotesque caricatures or fearsome fables.
Now and then, I run into a beautiful human, radiant with love-
Who sees me when they look at me, teasing smiles a healing balm.
They invite me to come out of my barricaded shell,
And wait patiently for my appearance when I’m ready.
One encouraged me to tell my stories and play my guitar again.
He brought out little bowls of raisins and cheese, and even got me hooked on kombucha.
For him I dared to sing aloud, something I’ve avoided since my father’s jokes.
It took months, but I can’t actually remember when I’ve NOT trusted this friendship.
Another has listened to all of my ugly secrets, responding only with love.
Compassion fills her eyes and the space around us grows soft like a mother’s hugs.
She has never judged me or banished me in condemnation,
And we cackle like banshees over our jokes, our laughter bouncing off the walls.
Kindness, joy, patience, and compassion- I bump up against the cross every now and again
During this painful journey in a harsh and cruel world.
If not for the lovers dotted all along the way to lift my chin gently,
I might never have seen all of the love hiding right there in plain sight.
TMD 4/18/24
30-day poems with @beausia