I took a walk today at the City Park
6:20 in the morning- the sun hadn’t yet risen.
Not another soul seen until 10 minutes settling into my pace.
A nod passed back and forth, a small “hello” tumble past my lips.
There’s a lot of construction going on- things evolving behind chain-linked fences.
Sonorous goose honks, frantic flaps of unseen wings, a breeze lift the front of my hat.
Sloshing water bottle thumps against my thigh, the feel of my feet getting grounded,
And my breaths come harder as I scale a short hill up to the Museum.
Thoughts are tumbling over one another- anxiety and worries not taking turns.
But I’m not really listening as I feel the small wooden cross held loosely in my hand.
My fingers seek comfort in the gentle curve in the middle as I listen to the ache in my soul.
One mile in, I began to talk to my Father.
Looping around the lake, peace began to seep through,
And I laugh at the pair of geese chasing each other noisily,
And step up to the beautiful blooms on newly planted cherry trees.
Everything is going to be ok, and hope lifts my chin and my heart.
TMD 4/13/24
30-day poems with @beausia