Stay With Us

Laying on my back in the prickly grass
Right knee crossed over the left one, arms behind my head.
I stare into the space between me and the sky.
I could sense a thousand molecules vibrating
As strange floaters in my eyes kept just out of sight-
I could see them clearly but only if I didn’t look directly at them.
Lines and specks teases with the big blue sky as the backdrop,
An ant crawls up my leg and sluggish bumble bees
Lazily visits all the little snapdragon blooms nearby.
I can smell my mom’s pork chops wafting out the kitchen door
As my brother plays Led Zeppelin on his record player
With the speakers on the porch facing the yard, volume all the way up.
He talks to me, but even then I have no idea what he said,
I was gone, having drifted off to the clouds
Holding on tight as I rode the winds higher and higher.
A faint drone in my ears, my eyes droop shut in bliss
The sun burns the top of my knees as I lose all sense
Of where I lived, in that sad house on Quebec Street.
Soon a car rumbles up the alley and turns into the carport.
My brother goes to shut the music off as our dad pass through the gate,
And all at once, the sounds of my family surrounds me
It quietly whispers- “You can’t leave yet— stay with us.”
TMD 4/29/24
30-day poems with @beausia