This is the Way

Here is where I let go of your hand,
And ventured out alone while you stayed on your computer.
I could no longer hold up the crumbling walls
Where we once tried to build something good.
Let’s not mourn too long- did we really have a chance?
There was a way out of the lonely and suffocating boxes
That I’ve confined myself in hopes of better days.
You know that I was never meant to live there.
So now I release and break empty traditions,
Fling open windows that have been painted shut,
Push on doors locked and deadbolted,
And let in all of the air that had waited for me on the outside.
I keep checking behind me to see if you’re ok-
All I see are our memories…
Now I must gather my courage and face the unknown-
This is the way forward from here.
TMD 4/24/24
30 day poems with @beausia