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Artist, Writer, and Librarian
Tina Michele Drew
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I am a  half Japanese-half Black, 50-something year old storyteller, collector of miniatures and dolls, fiber aficionado, photographer, librarian, a lace knitter, and an all-around creative being. I am a.k.a. Tinoose, Tinooseus, Tinooselove, Tiners, and Rudy (It's a long story!) My mother used to call me Pickle Girl, and once I was called Danny-- I try not to take it personally, but it was a case of mistaken identity! 


This website is a personal record of my journey to learn more about who I am and who I want to be via my photos, stories, and handmade creations. Let's connect and share our stories!  

Lord Maximus Fluffybutt
The Problem Child

I am a 14 year old tuxedo cat. I love to follow my mom around and stare at her, eat off of her plate, put my paws on her face, get my belly rubbed, and attack the feet, ankles, and legs that walk by. I have nightly freak-outs for no reason, and I am sometimes referred to as both 'The Spawn of Satan' and 'Mama's Boy.' Go figure...

The First Doll Muse
Hana Soah

I am Tinoose's very first Asian Ball-Jointed Doll, the one that shoved  her down that slippery slope world of BJDs, photography, and blogging! I am Elfdoll Soah, sculpted by Rainman, 2005.

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